
[모집공고] Hiring Graduate students(M.S. or M.S/Ph.D. program).

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작성자 관리자
댓글 0건 조회 1,966회 작성일 22-04-07 21:20


Prospective Graduate Students 

We are looking for self-motivated prospective graduate students(M.S. or M.S/Ph.D. program) who have with background in one following areas : Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Radio Engineering,  Material Science, and Physics.

You can find information on the research activities in Microwave Integrated Devices and Systems Goup at KENTECH throught this website. 

If you are interested in joining MIDAS Lab, you can freely contact Prof. Jang or one of his graduate students (Lab manager: Ju-yeong Park) via email.  


Total 5건 1 페이지
